[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n the life cycle, student life is a key knowledge stage “where a students will decide what that he/she wants to become?” They just need motivation to explore their skill and interest. Blogging is the one of the best platform where through they can explore their skills in the world of internet. At present era of internet, the online marketing concept drastically gets increasing. Many b-school has start planning to include online marketing as a individual subject by finding future prospect of this concept. If students can start blogging, they will find many benefits in their life which are as follow.
Reasons for Starting Blog During Students Life.
Blogging required a lots of time to blog. During a student life time, students has a time to contributes a time for the extra activities. If students start blogging, it will not just gives the opportunities to explore their skills but also they will finds a valuable other benefits also which are listed below.
To Express Your Skill:
From my own point of view, skill just need a platform to express. Blogging is one of the best platform where by a students express their talent, talent can be as a artist, musician, singer, actor, photographer and so on. One will get chance to express skills on internet. Once its start recognition from the various country, their confidence level will going to increase.
To Keep In Touch with Same Skilled Person:
Skill persons group enhances the knowledge of each other member, through blogging student will going to keep in touch with many other expert. This group is not just helping in enhancing the knowledge of individual but also it help to gain more repeat visitors for successful blogging career.
Continues Updated Knowledge:
As i had earlier told that via blogging the student will get in touch with the group of people who’s skills are similar by nature who enhance the knowledge of each other. A part from this student will be characterized by “Joy of Giving” through which inter drive will force them to update their blog regularly, for that first student need a complete knowledge about a specific field. So indirectly student is entitle to update knowledge of interested field.
Exploring Self As an Expert:
By continues updating knowledge, one day will come when student will find them self as a expert. Expertise simply defined as a complete knowledge and practical implication of those knowledge in effective manner. By the blogging students has a opportunities to express their self as a entrepreneur.
Earning with Learning:
Its like “icing on the cake”. One side we are doing blogging as part of hobbies, passion, and for interests, and the counter way student will be able to generate the money through advertisement on the blog. Student has probability to earn more that what they are paying for their education.
Being More Professional:
Students will be have their own internet address as a domain for their blog. They will be CEO and Founder of a specific website which give a more professional look in the profile of the students. A student can also able to create their own hosted email address like “name@domain.com” which will creates a impression in the eyes of the world.
Differentiate Self From Others:
Their are very limited people who are contributing to the blogging. If we are a blogger in our school or collage, than we are going to find that their is no other students who are representing them self as a blogger. It will create the unique position in the mind of faculties and the other students also. This factors will creates inter drive for confidence level of our self.
Blogging as a Motivational Source:
Every one wants successful life, Without any internal or external motivation factor no one will be able to grebe the success. Blogging is also indirect source of motivation. Blogger is a person who contributes information to the search engines. If we are able to deliver the unique useful information/things to the world, than world will appreciate our efforts through comment which gives inner happiness which can not be express with the word of mouth.
Better Job Opportunities:
In the today’s world every one need a skill person who has a expertise on the internet marketing skills. Blogging will help to the students to enhance the knowledge related to the Search engine marketing, Social media marketing, Content Marketing and many more which creates a Unique Point for getting selection in the interview.
Scope For Self Business:
If skills is transfers in to business than it will be like icing on the cake. It means once student will able to convert their passion, hobbies and interest in to business than business will be game for them. They will be going to enjoy each movement of the life.
To Developing Entrepreneurship skills:
A blogger who is developing and managing each and every activities like Creating , Designing , Optimizing, monetizing and operating other function ( Visitor Relationship, Analyzing the visitor status, Responding Blog comment etc). managing this all thing will be developing factors as a entrepreneurship.
Student life ,When and individual has a ample of time to contribute to blogging. Once a person gets a job or engage them self as a business man after studies than they had no time to thing to start blogging. If you start blogging from the schooling of collage, you had a opportunities to generate the peach and money which the job or business might not have.
WoW what a post .. Im only 14 and Im BlogginG from 12 years old 😀
hi abdul, glad to see you here after long time, keep in touch starting blog from childhood, it has its own advantage. All the best for your future just be ethical. ^-^
I’m 20, and i just started blogging 5 months ago. Before read your article, i don’t know what i want to do with my blog. Thank you so much!
great i am happy that this post helps you to get blogging direction, opening a blog during student life having its own advantages which every students should adopt it.
This is the best advice you can 0ffer any student. Blogging should indeed be a must for every student.
yup you are right student have a time like treasure. they can utilize those time to blogging. less effords more income once they gets populer author
everyone should start blogging this day, and yes, especially for students.
nice info anyway, and glad to be dropped here 🙂
hi Walter Pinem, yes you right bro, every one should blog, specially students have a lots of time. If they start blogging from teenager age than it will be good source of income also. Glad to see you here on my blog
Yaa I think its really important for students to start blogging to share their expertise. These days many students are tired with their lives and some are working hard to make it big for whom I have a lot of respect. I too started making money when I was 15years old but not from blogging; I have my own computer business And now have started blogging to share my experience and knowledge with other people.
hii… abhishek, Students life is a time whereby the students have most time and opportunities for their future growth, i also like your way of blogging that first acquired the technical ehow and than share it with the world. Thanks for your valuable feedback on this website. hope to see you soon on other post too.
Hi umesh i am currently only 12 years old as i started blogging take a sec to see my blog and tell me problems
hello.. glad to know that you are just 12 year old. Keep blogging your future is very bright. One recommendation to you that never be the illegal, blog on ethical topic. Through unethical blog topic, might be good for sort-term period. But blogging is for long term duration. All the best for your future.
explained a lot about blogging. I
knew the money earn blogging
can choose to make the most of.
I am blogging since 2015 and its going right all the way!
I started my blog http://harsh98trivedi.blogspot.com in June 2015 and got an AdSense approval in December 2015 but due to some reasons I deleted my AdSense account and created a new pro blog and named it as Techetarian, created a tagline for that (Technology Simplified) and everything is going good but the AdSense acoount I deleted, I want to reapprove that !