How to “Schedule a Post” in Blogger?

schedule blogger postBlogger is a one of the best blogging platform, where numbers of blogger are sharing there own expertise in various field like It, Education, Computer tricks and so on. Future is always uncertain and hence authors of a blog may face difficulties to maintaining frequencies. In Blogger  Once your blog gets a popular among your visitors, we have to manage our blog effectively, frequency of publishing posts are one of there characteristics. Many a time blogger owner gets busy in family function, exams or any other private problems. To maintain frequency one must have to schedule a post, when you don’t have a time to contribute for your blog. 

How to schedule a blogger post in blogger?

Step 1: Login In to blogger account.
Step 2: Select your blog.
Step 3: Click on New Post. you will Schedule option from right side. Select Set Date and Time Radio.

Scheduling blogger post

Step 4: Select time and date and click on done button.
Step 5: Complete Post formatting tips.
Step 6: Click on Publish button. that set.

So this is all from my side share you view with us what you feel about this post. Or having any kind of trouble than comment it we will try to solve it 🙂

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