Formatting is some what related with how effectively you format your post so as it look a professional. Before public a post there should be a certain things which you are required to follow. How effective you present your post is directly impacting to returning visitor. Whether you blog about your passion, hobbies, profession or anything our ultimate aim is to provide information to people as much as possible. For that purpose we have to format our post before publishing it. this post is all about it.
Post Title:
First and foremost thing is that our visitors is first focus on title of the post Evan in search engine visitors are highly prefer those link which indicating contain of the post. As a part of SEO it should be a brief and not having more than 65 character in it for that you can use character counting tools for the same as well so be sure that it should not be meaning less title.
The title of the post must consider the keyword for that purpose you can use Google Adwords from which you will be able to find most populate keyword that visitors highly use
Use of Bold, Italicize and Underline:
We have to use all the bold, italicize and underline but not that much so as reader eyes got confuse. it is helpful as nonverbal communication by using underline it is indication important part of the paragraph or point. many a time it happening that reader are in hurry and they just read the highlighted line so be sure that you highlight the most important text which represent your whole paragraph.
Selection of Font:

The selection of the font is directly related with what kind of your blog is? for if you are a professional blogger than you must have a simple font like Times New Romans, Georgia, Arial etc. You may change your font of title that will also covered under formatting of a post.
Selection of Text Color:

The selection of the text color must be carefully because if you are using multiple color in the same post it will look like you mess-up every think. Many a time selection of color must be according to your targeted audience belief, culture and all those thing.
Use of Alignment:
There are Four alignment are there Align Left, Align Right, Align Center and Justify. If you are not selecting any king of alignment that default it will be Align Left. Generally most of blogger are making mistakes in formation of the post they are simply using Left align i recommended to use Justify Align so it look good with comparison of other align. But ultimately it is depending upon the what you are going to write.
Numbering Bullets and Quote:

While we are going to write a list on item or anything at that time we are required to use numbering. If there is sequence is not necessary at that time you may use bullets. while we are using the sentences of any person at that time it must be in Quote. This all minor thing determines the overall beauty of the post.
Adding Labels:

Blogger Provides you the facilities of labeling, It is nothing but one king of sorting function which is helpful to classifying the post. By labeling reader will be able to find the related articles and post. you may add multiple labels to your post but be sure that it must having the related post or article.
Schedule Post:
Schedule post you may set a time according to your requirement many a time many blogger user are publishing there post on daily bases in that situation if you are publishing your post on specific time. It will save time of your reader and creates impression in the mind of visitors.
Add Permalink:
Recently blogger has introduce permalink facilities to blogger users. you can set your link according to your requirement. Although there is still yyyy/mm must be there. As a part of SEO i recommended to use only 3-4 words in permalink.
Search Description:
You can also be able to add search description also. you should ask questions to your self What you cover in your post? How it beneficial to your visitor? The answer of this particular questions is your the search description, Be sure that search description of your post must be short summery of your post.
Use Images, Chart, Video Clips etc.:
Its human psychology that they are easily understand it if they are see image or watch clips. If there is statistical data you can add chart for the same so as visitor can easily interpreted that particular data.
Use of Internal Links:
You can add a link of related post that you already posted. It will create a impression in mind of visitors. Be sure that it should not be that much so visitors are get confuse about your original post.
very nice help full