Change Blogspot Template or Layout Design.

[dropcap]C[/dropcap]hanging blogger design is the most easiest task to do on a blogger CMS platform. Just you need is the beautiful template for your blog that matches with your blogging niche. As a blogger, writing good articles are the most important thing but parallely the look and feel of your blog also matters a lot. There are many influeting factors that effects on the mind of visitors that entitle to revisit the your blog. So we as a blogger always want that not to loose a single visitors right?. So lets see how we can be able to modify the blogger default theme to attractive designs.

Why to Change Blogger template?

Responsive Blog Design:

At present era, the responsive website are at the top demand. However, As a blogger user will surly think that there are facility to enable blogger blog to index mobile version but think is that matching with your blogger template design?

If you are using third party blogger template than I am pretty sure that upto 90% cases, it won’t match. And you are here on this page so you are defiantly want to try something new excluding default feature.

To Build Brand Image:

Branding always helps you to sustain your existence on this planet. every blogger wants that their knowledge and skill shall be recognize globally right? So, For the purpose of building brand image the design of your blog is the first impression for any visitors.

Search Engine Optimization:

Blogging can be marketed through different means like social media, direct marketing, email marketing and search engine marketing. For SEO, your blog design matters a lot. For faster indexing in Google your blog must be met the requirement of search engine algorithm’s requirements.

How to Change Blogger Template?


Step 1:- Firstly I always recommended you to backup existing blogger blog design, You might need it in future, If you won’t backup than keep in mind that you want be able to recover it again.

Step 2:- I hope you are ready with your blogger design, if not than kindly use search engine and select the blogger template that match with your blogging concept. It will be in .XML format, You may find Zip file online so you have to unzip it by your self.

Step 3:- Navigate: Blogger Dashboard > Template > Backup / Restore.



Step 4:-  Click on “Choose file” button, find your new template .XML format file and upload it.

That set..!


Blogger CMS is the most easiest blogging CMS as comparison with other blogging CMS like WordPress. Changing, editing, Modifying blogspot theme won’t take too much time but I will recommended you to select best theme that helps you to gain and retain more and more visitors. Thank you…!

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