Hi, there. You are here so lets me assume that you all are having the too much load time issue and too much worried your blogging success, Right ?. Well there is no need to worried the solution is here. Generally it is to be found that many new beginners are facing this trouble, And they learns from the experience, The same case happening with me also and i had follows certain core steps on my blog. There are many reasons behind this we can not blame a single factor. There are many factor that should be kept in mind while building blog, writing content, selecting blog template designs and also adding a widget or social networking plugins inside blog. Here on this article you will find the core strategic key to reduce your blog load time.
Reducing blog loading time is not just helping to retain visit but also as a part of Blogger SEO, play a very essential roll. Too much load time is also effecting on monetizing factor of your blog, unique visitor status, bounce rate and so on. To be having a preclusion motives we have to work on it to speedup our load time for that below are the core tips which will assist you.
“Reduce Blogger Blog Loading Time”
- Selection of a Template Design:
The While starting any blog, Blogger first Start thinking about the design once they decide to blogging topic, the loading speed of a blog is highly depend on the selection of a blog template designs. While selecting a template first think which we have to consider is the loading speed, because no one will like a blog which takes too much loading time to open. So start analyzing your existing blogger design whether its faster to load of not?, If you find that your blog taking too much load time than you have to change a blogger template but wait, before changing template i will recommended to go through the entire post. I had make this topic as first because it is the major and strongly affecting factor in loading time.Related Stuff: How to Changing blogger template designs ? - Limit the number of home page post:
Its a simple calculation that the higher is the number of post on home page will take a long time to load, So Don’t set too much post on the front page. Home page is the first thing which anyone would like to visit one people start recognizing your blog domain name. So it must be faster one right? so lets see how to reduce number of post on a home page.
navigate blogger dashboard> Settings> Post and comment > Under post field, write a number of post that you want to show on home page ( See below screenshot ) - Use Jump Break In Blogger To Reduce Home Page Loading Time:
A Part from showing the entire post on home page, it is advisable to show only a first paragraph of a post on home page, if reader want to read more, than they will click on read more Image or Ling, By such technique our home page will load quickly. Many people are using auto jump break in their blog, because they already having too many numbers of post.Related Stuff: Install auto jump break on blogger home page. - Use Hide & Show widget as and when Required:
It is not necessary that each widget should be on each page, like home page, post page and the static page of the blogger blog. It matters on the type of widget, Many widget is suitable only on post page not on the home page and exactly opposite of this situation. In such a scenario, It is advisable that to hide unnecessary widget on specific page. So as we can increase the load time of blog.Related Stuff: How Hide/Show Gadget in blogger (Home page, Post page, Static page). - Delete Unnecessary and Less Important Widgets:
Widget which are generally take too much time for loading, If it is three or four on the same page than its ok. But if it is too many widgets on the same page, than collectively the loading time of blog will surly going to increase. So it is advisable that to remove less important or the unnecessary widget from the blog, Generally widget with javascript, iframes, video, audio will take time to load. - Remove Unnecessary CSS stlye and JavaScript Code from template:
There are Numbers of blogger widgets available on the internet, you might have installed many widget and also at the same time you had also removed many widget, but still their are CSS style and JavaScript code is their which is no use to you that code is also one of the factor to increase your blog loading time, you need to identify such a code and style and remove it from your template. To remove code from blogger template, Navigate Blogger dashboard > Template > Edit HTML and search unnecessary code and remove it. Before you do anything their i will recommended you to backup your blogger template. - Reducing Image Size and Type:
Generally Blogger developers are habitual to decrease the size of the images as per their requirement using dimensions ( Height and Width attributes in HTML codding ). It is not advisable. You have to decrease the height and width of the image using photo editing software like PhotoShop. It will going to reduce the size of the image, lower the size of image will load faster.There are many types of images are available, Generally i am used to with the “.png“, “.jpg”, “.gif” format. It’s a simple calculation that highe is the image size will take more time to load, So choose only those image type which is having the lowest size. - Avoid Too Much Image in Post:
Don’t use many images in a single post, it will take a lots of time to load, set a specific number of images criteria by your self that “Only this much images per post i will upload in single post “. By this practice you will find that your blog is start load faster as compare to past one. - Avoid Advertisement ( Iframe, JavaScript etc ):
Advertisement with the JavaScript and Iframe also takes too much time for loading, ultimately it is going to cost you more than what you have probability of having earning. If its a necessary to have, than use lesser number of ads on your blog.
- Don’t Use large Size Image on Blog Background:
Use only small size of images which is repeated by nature or else use only color style on background of your blog. The larger size images on background will take too much time to load, and hence it is advisable not to use such images. their are number of repeated background images available on internet, Which look more beautiful rather than a single large size image.
Visitors are very sensitive about the look and feel of the website, one negative factor will cost us badly. As a blog admin it is our responsibility to make visitor happy by providing a strong values to them. It is only and only possible when the presentation of our blog is better than others, loading time of a blog is a part of that only. So by reducing the blog load time we just not improving our presentation skills but also its helps us to retain the visitors.
Hi Umesh!
Yup, Images in Jpeg are the best way to go when you want to cut down the loading time! Some images in Png were 1.77 mb which became around 199 kb after conversion! Its crazy!
[ PS. Please check your facebook link, it is not working. Please fix it! ]
Hello piyush
Yes totally agree with you bro, we have to use only those format of images which size is less, it help to reduce loading time of a blog.
[ Thanks for information about the facebook link, just updated it ^-^ ]
Well we must decrease our blog’s loading time, since it was the important thing to get traffic. if our blog is at annoying speed then we can expect a lot of decrease in traffic.
thanks for the tips.
Its Was Really Nice Information Tips Via Blogging Thank YouF or Sharing….?
Somehow ads will be inevitable as they drive the budget for so many blogs. But other points are feasible and nice…Thanks
@naeem Malik
yes you are right, i am totally agreed with your point. Thanks for your valuable time 🙂
Hey Umesh !
That was WOW ! I was busy designing my new template for my new blog and then I noticed , I never cared about LOAD TIME. Now, you’ve helped me a lot with these super cool tips.
THANKS ! Keep writing 🙂
Hi Sourav, Its give a happiness when someone comment like you. Loading time is one of the most important aspect we have to consider while working on SEO. All the best for your new template design, stay tuned.
Awesome Post broo, Nice i liked this post so much and using some tricks on my blog to.
Glad to know that this blog is useful to you some level 🙂 stay tuned.
Less page loading time increases the visitor interest hopefully visitor will again comes to our site.
With less load time SEO (Search Engine Optimization ) is Very Important
Hi Umesh,
Above all points are important to decrease blog load time. BTW CSS, JS file and image files are mainly increase blog load time. As you said removing unnecessary CSS, JS file and re-sizing images are the best way to decrease blog load time.
Thanks for sharing this post with us.
Thanks Hamim Mondalji.
yes images are the most effecting factor that increased website loading time. Many time I found many people use 1 MB size images too… If we need rank in search result than in that case we have to work on that
Great tips to decrease page load time. Page load time is very important for rankings good on search engines as well as for increasing traffic and making sales because nobody likes slow websites. My blog page load time is very high but anyhow i decreases it with the help of your blog post. Thanks a lot for sharing. 🙂
thanks for the post.,will try to reduce my blog time.
Thanks for the Post! ur rocking!
You are most welcome @mounish sai
WP-Optimize is another good option to do this…
Yeh we may use plugins for wordpress sites. but i will recommended to review plugin first.
Which cache plugin has better performance and reliability. WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache?
I personally recommended to use W3 Total Cache plugin.