How To Redirect Blogger 404 Error Page to Homepage?

Generally it is very irritating when some reach to your website and they found that link is no more exist. To deal with a such a situation Blogger team has already introduce a search preference feature to optimize our post in a search engine. there are several ways to through which you will be able to deal with such a situation. I had shared two post on 404 error page that is how to create 404 page having sidebar? and 404 error page with full width layout. A part from it, you will be able to redirect broken link to other link that having related content. So today i am going to share post with you all about how do we redirect our 404 error page to the home page with use of JavaScript. 404 error page is appear only when any of your visitors come to your website through any mean, and that particular entire link is not existing. If you are going to use this post that, it will help your visitors to serve them a better.

Redirect Blogger 404 Error Page to Homepage

Following are the few simplest step which you need to follow step by step. We are going to install JavaScript that will redirect our blog to home page. this JavaScript will going to appear only on error page, so it will work only when some one reach to your blog through broken link.
    • Go to blogger Account. 
    • Select your blog in which you want to use this tricks.
    • Now Navigate Blogger Dashboard > Setting  > Search Preferences > click on edit button of “Custom Page Not Found” and  there copy and paste following code inside that field.
Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist. 
You will be redirected to homepage shortly.
<script type = "text/javascript">
BSPNF_redirect = setTimeout(function() {
location.pathname= "/"
}, 5000); 
  • Click on Save Change. That Set.

If you are facing any kind of difficulties or having and query related to this post that feel free to drop your comment below, we love it a lot. We will try to respond your questions as soon as possible.

  1. Thanks, But I notice, that You do not use this method of 404-page. Why? May be now is a better construction (design etc.) of 404-page?

    1. Actually I have migrated my blogger blog to wordpress, WordPress theme having it’s own 404 page with full facilities. So I have not implemented above blogger tricks to wordpress.

    1. It’s all about how your blogger template is formed. If code is missing on your archive page that that code will not appear on that page. It mean you want be redirected to destination url.

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