Tips to Optimize Images in Search Engines For Gaining Traffic.

How to Optimize ImagesNow a days at present era of competition we are finding may sources of information on internet, and hence every one started using attractive and eye catching images in there website or blog, Now in this situation just inserting images is not sufficient, we have to optimize ineffectively so as that our overall performance of a blog in search engine will improve, Image optimization is also play a key role in search engine optimization. For this there are several things which we have to take under consideration while editing images in a website or blog.

Tips to Optimize Blogger Images in Search Engines.

So now lets begins with the tutorial. All though i am also learner, i had share whatever i had done in my blog. Image optimization has help me in ranking many post so i am going to share with you all that how can we optimize our images in search result.

Change the Format of Images:

We are aware that there are many formats available on internet like .JPEG, .PNG , . GIF, .BMP and so on. Here i am always using .PNG or .GIF format as it is occupying less space, it means the image loading time will gets faster. You can change format of images by using various software call Photoshop. Many a time i am also using free online website to change format of the images.

Change The Image Size & Compress It:

Many time i had find that many new bloggers are using large size images and they just add width and height value to decrease size of the image. Generally it takes too many time to load images, ultimately it is slow down your blog loading time which visitors nevers wants. Use photo editing software and change size of the images as per your requirement it will decreases your file size also. There are many tools available to compress images on internet just search it on google and come to know. 

Change the Name of With Keyword:

We know that the search engine is working on keyword bases, and hence more stonge keyword you use, you post will start ranking in search result. So I strongly recommended to rename the image before uploading it on server, don’t use default name like img123.jpg, photo123.pngscreenshot123.png and so on, just rename those images with at maximum 3 to 4 keyword, Name must be according to image characteristics. Suppose the image is about windows 7 tricks, than name must me windows7-tricks.png. Never use Never use “Space” & special characters %, $, #, @,&,_ In name. If you uses such a character in name of image it will not going to optimize in serach results. I am habitual to use ” – “, between two keywords.  

Insert Title and Alt Tag:

Once you upload images on your server you have to add propers  Attribute to the code of the image, you have to add title and Alt tag to gather it will provide information of the images to the search engine, whenever someone will use keyword to find images on Google, Yahoo, Bing and so on, on bases of image Title and Alt tag your image will start appearing in search results.

Below is the example about to adding Title and Alt tag in image code.

<img alt=”Keyword” src=”your image URL” title=”Keyword/>

That set , To find best keyword for your image, you can use google keyword tools. I hope this tutorial will helps you to optimize your images in search results.

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