Its not like that you have get approval from Adsense and you will get Adsense pin. As per Adsense policy you will be able to get Adsense Verification PIN after you reach to earning of 10$.Publisher will be able to received pin within a 2 or 3 week when publisher reached to 10$. Its depends on the Domestic location of a publisher. I am living in Surat, Gujarat, India. I received this pin after 4 week.There is a options available for requesting another latter if you don’t received it withing 2-3 month, so i personally recommended you to wait for at least 2 month and than also you are not able to receive latter, you can go request it again.Adsense will give you only three trial to verify your pin so be careful while adding it in your dashboard.
Following are two screenshot of a my Adsense address verification latter.
you will receive covered latter via speed post with having your name and address,
How To Use Adsense PIN To Verify Address
- Log in to AdSense account with your email id that you use in application process.
- Navigate Home tab > Account Setting > Account Information > Verify Address.
- Enter Your pin and click on Submit PIN.
Unfortunately i had make a spelling mistake in a address, than also i had received PIN from Adsense than i updated my spelling mistakes. So as per my personal never make mistake while writing address, It is another thing that you will be able to update it on latter stage.
Hey Umesh, My Adsense is generated on 18th April 2013, and I too reside in Surat, So according to your PIN,You received in 4 weeks ? So I should get in that much time too ?
hi, @6aa44e8a8397d612436243686974f8b5:disqus when you reach the final total earning at $10, than after approximately after 4 week you will be able to receive pin. If you don’t than you can request another pin from adsense.
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Great Content. in India it takes time to get letter.
Hi Umesh, no doubt, you explained it very carefully and keenly but is it possible to use digital scanning method before requesting these 3 PINs? This is because of my poor village location. It will be a fast process.
My pin has been generated yesterday. Hopefully I will receive within four weeks. Thanks for sharing your experience.
I just received by PIN and I did the needful but to my surprise, ads are not displaying which was stopped for sometime for address varification. How much will it take for the ad to appear on my blogs after the pin varification?
Hi, Lakshya.. I think their is no issue with address verification as per my knowledge. Might be possible that you have violate Adsense policy.
I have also not got adsense pin in my two attempt this is my last attempt
and i think i am not going to get in my 3rd attempt what should i do for verification
It might be happens when your location is not that much famous, Kindly visit your neared post office, You may get it. After third trial you want be able to receive more pin 🙁