Add A Page Reference Link To Text That Copied From Your Website/Blog.

You might have come across such a situation when you tried copy text from any source of internet and you find that attributes link is attached above or below contain when you paste it. And suddenly question arise in mind that how can i do this for my website or blog. So don’t be tense here is a post that going to show you to Add A Page Reference Read More Link To Text Copied From Your Website/Blog. I had copied SMS from one of famous sms website and pasted it in Facebook, I had find that attribute link is automatically added in status and i have find service called “Tynt” that will generate your JavaScript code and you need to paste it in your template. This service is totally free of cost. You can even add Google  +, Facebook, Twitter URL link in attribution.

Internet is a very common source of information in day to day life. Number of people copied text from website and pasted it through various source like Facebook, Blogs, email, SMS etc.Generally people are not bother about to adding a source link, but at a point of view of website or blog owner, it is very much important to build up backlinks as its factor that increase blog traffic through search engine.

Following is a featured video that will show how this service is useful for any website.

Featured Video

How to use Tynt.

  • Sign Up your Tynt account [click here].
  • Enter email id, domain name, set password, and tick mark on  Usage and Privacy Agreements.
  • Click on Submit button.

  • You will get your code.
  • You can customize that code on Tynt website as per your requirements.
  • Copy it and paste it just above following tag.


  • For blogger user Go to blogger Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML > Proceed.
    For WordPress User Go to Appearance > Editor > header.php
    For Tumblr user Go to Customize theme > Edit HTML.
    For Joomla User Go to Template ManagerClick Edit (index.php)
  • Find </head> tag by pressing Ctrl+f.
  • Now paste copied JavaScript code just above </head> tag and save template. That set.

Check your website copy text and past it other source 🙂

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