Before moving further you might like to read:
- Meta Tag Generator (Blogger Manual Installation)
- How To Add Meta Tag To Blogger blog
- Use Blogger Tools For Counting Character For Meta Description.
How To Inserting Meta Description To Each Post.
Step 2: Navigate Blogger dashboard > Template > Edit HTML > Proceed.
Step 3: Find <head> tag by pressing Ctrl + F
Step 4: Copy and paste following code just below <head> tag.
<b:if cond=’data:blog.metaDescription != ""’>
<meta expr:content=’data:blog.metaDescription’ name=’description’/>
Step 5: Save Template.
Before you publish your post make sure that you add proper formatted meta description up to 155 character right side with heading field Search Description.See following screenshot for better understanding.
What ever you have inserted search description that will going to appear in search results.
You can also update it, just go to Blogger dashboard > Post > Click on edit of post what ever you want to update. It is strongly recommendation that to update search description of your all post as it is most important for SEO.
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