Optimize Blogger Post On Seach Engine By Inserting Meta Description To Each Post.

Meta Tag BloggerAn effective way to utilize SEO ( Search engine optimization ) is to Adding meta discription inside template of website and blog. meta description will tell search engine to index your results. Every one wants numbers of visitors for blog or website. You might have applied meta description, meta keyword in your blogger template now another good new for blogger user. Now we will be able to insert meta description to each post of a blogger. You can add meta tag to each post as the same way as we are adding permalink to blogger post URL. If you are using official template, than no need to do any kind of changes. If you are using third partly blogger template that must need to edit your template.This post also going to guide you how to add meta description while you writing your post.

Before moving further you might like to read:

How To Inserting Meta Description To Each Post.

Step 1 : Log In in your blogger account.
Step 2: Navigate Blogger dashboard > Template > Edit HTML > Proceed.
Step 3: Find <head> tag by pressing Ctrl + F


Step 4: Copy and paste following code just below <head> tag.

<b:if cond=’data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;’>
<meta expr:content=’data:blog.metaDescription’ name=’description’/>

Step 5: Save Template.

Before you publish your post make sure that you add proper formatted meta description up to 155 character right side with heading field Search Description.See following screenshot for better understanding.

Blogger Post Description

What ever you have inserted search description that will going to appear in search results.

Meta Description in Google

You can also update it, just go to Blogger dashboard > Post > Click on edit of post what ever you want to update. It is strongly recommendation that to update search description of your all post as it is most important for SEO.

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