Setup Your Blogspot Custom Robots Header Tags.

Custom robots header tagsAs we all know that Blogger is a product of a Google, and hence blogger is continuously improving search preference feature, recently i had share article how can we add  Add Custom Robots.TXT In Blogger now i have find another very much important feature that is to customize the blogger custom robot header tag to blogger blog. As we all are know that Traffic is a life of any blog, to increase blog traffic the owner of the blog must have to work on S.E.O. Now it not enough that you know how to blog? we have to start work on search engine optimization basic applications, so why are you waiting for just update your settings and start boost your blogger blog traffic, and improve your search ranking

Setup Your Blogger Custom Robots.txt Header Tags.

Following are few simple step which you are required to follow step by step.
Step 1: Log in blogger blog.
Step 2: Navigate Blogger Dashboard >  Setting > Search Preferences > Custom Robots Header Tags › Click on Edit
Step 3: Select Yes Option and customize setting as per following screenshot.

Custom robots header tags

Step 4: Click on Save Button
That set, you will also customize robot tags while writing post, this option only visible when you enable Custom Robots Header Tags.

Custom Robots Tags

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  1. Hi,
    Thanks. I am a new blogger so I can not know that how to use Header Robots Tags, I have lose many days for the problem now I can proper use my blog read this article. I am witting for your next article.Publish as soon as possible.

    1. Stay tuned, Actually I have written that post but some how due to some reason, I had remove it. You can setup that by navigating Blogger Dashboard > Blogger Search Preference. You will find option of custom robot header tag over their.

      You just need to enable that and paste following code in your template.

      User-agent: *
      Disallow: /search
      Allow: /

      replace with your own domain.

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