How To Restrict Visitors To Copying content From Blogger Blog?

Writing an unique and quality article is required lots of efforts. Once publish your article on your blog, its stars indexing your new post on Google search engine, Bing and Yahoo. you will be surprise when you come to know that other website also indexing with your results its generally happens When our blog gets popular, other people starts copying our contains, and they starts publishing those contain on other sources. Its a really hurts our search indexing in search results. Here is a JavaScript that will not allowing your visitors to select text from your blog.

How to disable text selection in blogger ?

We have created following widget to reduce your work, you just need to
  • Click on Generate button  and Add To Blogger button respectively.
  • Than you will find Other page where you need to select your blog.
  • Click On Add Widget Button.
  • That Set. Test your blog and share your experience with us 🙂
Feel Free to ask question if you facing any kind of difficulties regarding this post.

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