It would seem we are awash with Social Media, first Facebook, then Twitter and now of course Google+, however it is Twitter that we want to take a closer look at or rather some of the best applications to maximise your own Twitter and your Twitter followers experience.
There are many different applications that you can use, hopefully with these 3 that Learn Blogging Secrets have selected you will be able to be more in control of what is going on with Twitter and of course your Twitter followers.
In this post we are going to take a closer look at Social Bro, When to Tweet and Buffer.
Social Bro
First up is the Social Bro with a host of different suites / reports and options that will give you much more information on what is happening with your Twitter followers.
Social Bro Dashboard
From the Dashboard section you will be able to observe the progress of your community, the evolution of your number of Twitter followers, the evolution of your number of friends, the evolution of your number of tweets and manage your account step by step.
Easy Follow / Un-Follow Back Tools
Discover your new followers and easily follow them back. Be smart and polite. Give back the follow if it’s your policy. Clean up your account by detecting noisy friends, potential spammers, and inactive users, and easily un-follow them.
Including with this module you can check who isn’t following you back, detect the bots that follow / un-follow automatically, check who you aren’t following back, select the users you want to follow back, select the users you want un-follow back, discover who just un-followed you.
Get The Best Stats
See your community in charts. Select insights of all your community or separately of your followers, your friends or of the followers not reciprocated, the friends who don’t follow you back and the reciprocal followers. See the stats of your competitors’ Twitter accounts and export to a pdf file.
The charts are by:- Language, time zones, custom and default avatar, profiles with web URLs, profile privacy, verified users, users by number of followers, users by number of friends, users by ratio followers/friends, users by time since last tweet, users by tweets per day, localize your followers from their Twitter location.
Browse Your Twitter Community
Get accurate information about your community using different search criteria that will help you to make strategic and error-free decisions. Take advantage of knowing exactly who shapes your community: where your followers are from, which language they speak, their activity on Twitter, etc.
You will know your Twitter followers in-depth and interact with them efficiently, taking care of them, discover if there are any influential and famous users that follow you and keep in touch with them in a different way, find out your newbie followers and friends and welcome them.
You will also be able to filter all information to get powerful data, filter by language, search by verified and non-verified users, search profiles with customized avatars or with the default avatar, search accounts with URL or no URL, filter by number of followers and friends, filter by number of lists, filter by followers/friends ratio, filter by account age, filter by number of tweets per day, filter by time since last tweet.
Tag Clouds
Find out what your community is talking about and its interests. On the dashboard, take a look at tagclouds of friends and followers bios and explore each tag.
Learn Blogging Secrets summary:- “There are even more features than we have listed here so be sure to head over to the site and get it downloaded, I’m sure you will agree that when you take a look at the program in action you will see just how comprehensive the information is, this is a sure winner for me in the battle to keep Twitter element of your social media under control!!!” – Learn Blogging Secrets
When to Tweet
How do you know when your Twitter followers are online? – Well at the moment it’s possible by more luck than judgement, but now that’s set to change with the introduction of When to Tweet, this very simple program analyzes your followers Tweeting patterns and suggests exactly when to get in front of them for maximum impact – Sounds cool?? , it is!!
Learn Blogging Secrets summary:- “What a great little program this is, I can’t sum it up better than the programmers of When to Tweet so I’ll just agree with the following, When to tweet analyzes when your followers tweet and gives you a personalized recommendation of the best time of day for you to tweet.” – Learn Blogging Secrets
Now finally onto our last feature of Twitter Tools, this time it’s Buffer’s turn.
Picture the scene, you are putting together a killer blog post and rather than just tweet it out there you now know when the best time to get it amongst your followers, the good news is that you can now automate this process and hit the target every time, Buffer takes care of this by managing your tweets for you!
So no more sending out mass messages that can be a real turn off for your Twitter followers , plus if they are in a different time-zone you get to pin point that and get in front of them right at the time when they are most likely to be on line – Perfect!!!!
Additionally Buffer can also be used to look after your Facebook post’s – now there’s a nice little bonus!
Learn Blogging Secrets summary:- “This program is a real winner, especially when you combine it with What Time to Tweet, no more blind tweeting – you are firmly in control” – Learn Blogging Secrets
Twitter Tools Takeaway
When you combine these 3 tools together you get a very powerful combination for your Twitter strategy.
In short, Buffer allows me to post Tweets at the best times, WhenToTweet allows me to optimize my Tweeting times even further and Social Bro gives you a very comprehensive suite of reports to help you get the best out of Twitter.
Thanks for taking the time to read this post, I hope that you found it useful – if so I’d love you to re-tweet it or like it if you are a Facebook user, and don’t forget to leave a comment below, do you know any other social media programs that work really well?