How To “Import or Export” blogger blog?

Import and exports are two major feature of a blogger blog. Importing blog is a feature where bloggers are add there own blog file in blogger platform it might be because they might have deleted their blogger blog and wants to start same blog again, or it may be because they want to change there blogger platform. Exporting blogger blog is also useful when blogger wants to delete there blog and want to take security measures against it by way of backup blog or may be because they want to move any other blog platform like WordPress, Tumblr and so on. So having knowledge about how to Import and export blog is essential for any blogger.

How To “Import or Export” blogger blog?

So lets begins with the tutorial, Following are the few simplest step you have to follow in sequence.

How To Export Blogger Blog:

Step 1: Login in your blogger account.
Step 2: Select your blog.
Step 3: Navigate Blogger dashboard > Settings > Other.
Step 4: Under Field of Blog Tools  you will find three options.
Step 5: Click on Export Blog Link, Click on Download Blog Option and Save it that set.
export blogger blog

How To Import Blogger Blog:

Step 1: Login in your blogger account.
Step 2: Select your blog.
Step 3: Navigate Blogger dashboard > Settings > Other.
Step 4: Under Field of Blog Tools  you will find three options.
Step 5: Click on Import Blog Link,  you will find following popup.
Import blogger blog

  • Browse your blog backup file
  • Enter captcha Code
  • Remove Tick from Automatically publish all imported posts only if you want to publish it manually, otherwise leave it as it is.
  • that set.

Now your turn share your opinion views suggestion or if you face any kinds of difficulties feel free to comment it below.

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