Effective E-commerce Digital Marketing Strategies for 2020

Digital Marketing is an effective tool for driving top-of-funnel web traffic to future sales and customers. Without ecommerce digital marketing approaches, no online brands and businesses can become successful today or participate in the highest-trafficked pitches. Make a habit of using a well-planned and well-organized ecommerce digital marketing strategy in 2020 to grow efficiently and drive brand awareness while increasing sales. Below you will come across some building blocks used by best SEO companies in India to create a successful ecommerce digital marketing strategy in 2020. Use these tips to propel your ecommerce business and bootstrap it to seven figures in sales.   

Know Your Objectives & Goals and Learn About Your Audiences 

Before executing any ecommerce digital marketing strategy, it is necessary to have the facts straight. You must be specific and clear with your objectives and business goals. The metrics and goals must have scope for increment, like increase sales by 25% during the slowdown period. 

Plus, know your audiences. Businesses with no clear understanding of who they are targeting may surely run insufficient campaigns, thereby wasting their money targeting low-converting, incompetent audiences. Once businesses are clear with their business objectives and know their target audiences, they can efficiently work on certain avenues to start creating conversions and achieving higher sales. Now it is the time to start planning for ecommerce digital marketing strategies to propel the brand and increase the sales. 

Optimizing the SEO of Website

SEO or Search Engine Optimization plays a pivotal role in digital marketing. It not only applies to the business website, but each product page must be optimized for exact keywords that your target audiences are searching online for. So, ensure dosing SEO for all product pages for exact keywords that are relevant to your product and business.

Reviews on the Product Pages

Online buyers rely significantly on online reviews, and based on reviews; they make their future purchases. These reviews are trusted by buyers as much as they trust their well-wishers. Over 80% of online users integrate these reviews into their future shopping designs. So, being an online business, you can’t afford to overlook the importance of product reviews and hence ensure to get reviews of your products. There are plug-ins for different web design layouts where you can easily load product reviews for your product pages. 

Content Marketing

Content is always the king and a crucial component of digital marketing. Content Marketing applies to different ecommerce digital marketing strategies. For some businesses, it means eBooks, blogs, Whitepapers, while for others; it means web content on their website and newsletters.             

In ecommerce digital marketing, you must focus mainly on the product description, name and details on the product page. Keywords, content and SEO go hand in hand, which helps your ecommerce website get top rankings on SERPs and prospects in the future. So, focus on all these three components of digital marketing carefully. 

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is considered to be the base of any ecommerce digital marketing strategy. With content and quality images, businesses can deliver their audiences with targeted product suggestions, discount offers and announcements of deals. If they are interested in your product, surely you will see traffic coming in via email marketing

With a data segmentation strategy, businesses can surely get higher engagement from their first email. Here, segmentation means a division of email subscribers into small segmentation based on certain criteria. Top SEO agency in Gurgaon uses it as a personalization technique to offer relevant emails to the contact list and subscribers of their clients. With such a strategy, the CTR (Click through Rate) will boost and lead to more buyers’ conversion. 

PPC Advertising

Pay Per Click or PPC ads are crucial for generating instant leads for your flourishing ecommerce business. It is important to focus more on long-tail keywords and be specific as you need only high-quality traffic, but not high quantity traffic. Moreover, ads must comprise a unique and attractive selling proposition, such as free shipping, percentage off and others that can quickly close the sale. 

Ensure that your landing page and ad copy speaks volume and directly to searches that people are typing to search for your product. Consistency is important, and you need to focus on it. There are different types of pay per click advertisements, of which the three types are the highest force in the ecommerce business, including paid search, shopping campaigns and display ads. 

  • Paid Search Advertisements – It is the type of ad that appears on top of SERPs, and hence it has a higher ability for conversion rates
  • Display Ads – Display Ads or Banner Ads are usually seen in mobile games, apps and popular websites. Display Ads are the best solution for building brand awareness and creating conversions when used efficiently to retarget customers. 
  • Shopping Campaigns – It is also known as product listing ads where your products appear directly on search engine result pages. No matter what users are searching or typing to find on a search engine, these ads will pop-up and show the images of products along with prices. As the users click on these ads, they will be redirected to the store page to complete the shopping.       


Retargeting is the common exercise to send targeted ads to certain users who have already communicated or are interested in your brand earlier. The users fall into any of these following categories.

  • Email subscribers
  • Purchased from your brand in the past
  • Visited your product page recently
  • Your earlier customers, but not engaged in your website for long  


There are different ecommerce digital marketing strategies, which are worth using in 2020 to propel your brand. But, these strategies mentioned above are the ones that are used by leading SEO agencies in 2020 to help ecommerce businesses flourish and increase conversions and sales. Some of the strategies may take time to show results, while others may start working instantly. Your digital marketing strategies must integrate different techniques to target your audiences. Avoid relying on a single strategy as it is not a good move for your business.   

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