Google Custom Search Two Page Setup 2016.

Two-Column+CSE[dropcap]F[/dropcap]irst of all you need to create Google custom search engine account for blogger. Google search widget is highly suggested as it is using advanced search techniques which is far better than default one. Connecting two pages in blog it means once the visitors of the blog search on your blog using search box, they will going to redirect a page which is hosted on your own blog for example This will create a good image on mind of your visitors. 

Google Custom Search Two Page Setup for Blogger.

Before proceeding further on this tutorial, You must have to create blog page with title “Search Result” , “Search Page” or “XYZ” what ever you want. Keep your page blank we need to add script code in HTML tab (Not in Compose tab). Publish it save  page URL we need it in step 4.

Step 1: Log on to Google Custom Search Engine.

Step 2: Select custom search engine.

Step 3: Find Look & Feel link from left side column and select two page. Click on Save and get code button.

cse look and feel two pages

Step 4:  Click on “Search Results Detail”  button, Paste your search page URL of blogger blog. add your own custom parameter. It may be short form of your own blog or simply add “q“.

two page google cse

Step 5: Copy give script and paste into below text field. Click on Add to Blogger button > Select Your Blog > click on Add Widget button. Don’t forget to give title to your widget.


Step 6: Now go to Google Custom Search tab and click on get code for search result. Copy it and paste in page that you created for search result (Again keep in mind that you need to insert given script in HTML tab and not in Compose tab of the page).

Step 7: Save it, That set.


Connecting two pages for Google custom search engine is really simple and easy. I have written this article before more than 2 years, but just updated this post with latest screenshot and widget generators.

If you are facing any kind of problem than post it below, I will reply you within one or two days. thanks you ^-^

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